Site Information*
Latitude: 44° 41' 21.60" N (44.689333 degrees N)
Longitude: 63° 49' 33.65" (63.826013 degrees W)
Elevation: 114-metres (at instrument height above MSL)
IAU Observatory Code: I22
Time Zone: AST/ADT (UT-3 or 4 hours)
Visual Sky Brightness: MVM is about 5.7
Measured Sky Brightness: Sky Quality Meter readings of 20.6 are on the best nights (Bortle Scale of 4). Measurements range from about 20.3-20.6.
Seeing: Stellar profiles are typically 2.5" to 3" FWHM
* determined by LIDAR (latitude/longitude is WGS84, elevation is CVGD2013)
Telescope Specifications
The telescope is a Celestron C14 with the following specifications:
Optical Design: Schmidt-Cassegrain (classic) + 0.5x Optec NextGen telecompressor
Primary Mirror Diameter: 0.355-metres
Secondary Mirror Diameter: 114-mm
Original Focal length: 3910-mm
Effective Focal length: 2200-mm (at f/6.2)
Original Focal ratio: 11
Effective Focal ratio: 6.2 (with telecompressor)
CCD Imaging Specifications
The camera is an SBIG ST8XME with dual Optec IFW filter wheels.
Sensor: Kodak KAF-1603ME
Image Size: 1530 x 1020
Field of View: 21.4' x 14.3' (0.36 x 0.24 degrees)
Pixel Size: 9 microns
Pixel Scale: 0.84" arc-seconds/pixel
Dark Current: 0.1 e- per second at -20C
A/D Converter: 16-bit
Gain: 2.5 e/ADU
Full Well: 100,000 e-
Read Noise: 15 e- RMS
Filters Available
Filter Name | Description |
CLR | Clear (unfiltered) |
B | Astrodon Photometric B (for photometry) |
V | Astrodon Photometric V (for photometry) |
R | Astrodon Photometric R (for photometry) |
I | Astrodon Photometric I (for photometry) |
BLU | Optec blue filter (for pretty-picture imaging) |
RED | Optec red filter (for pretty-picture imaging) |
GRN | Optec green filter (for pretty-picture imaging) |
LUM | Optec luminance filter (for pretty-picture imaging) |
Equipment List
- Technical Innovations 10-ft Home-Dome (with some minor adjustments)
- In-house developed custom dome rotation and shutter controllers (rotation sensing uses a bar-code reader)
- Losmandy Titan german equatorial mount (with Gemini controller removed)
- Sidereal Technology Servo II telescope controller with SiTechexe control software
- Celestron C14 telescope (classic)
- Optec TCF-S temperature-compensating focuser
- Optec NextGEN WideField 0.5X telecompressor
- SBIG ST8XME CCD camera
- 2 x Optec IFW 5-slot filter wheels (stacked)
- AAG CloudWatcher Cloud and Wind sensor
- Windows 10 PC in the dome (custom heater for winter)
- Digi Edgeport/8 8-port USB-Serial interface box
- D-Link DCS-935L webcam
- X10-based power control (dome, pier, and lights)
- Windows 10 PC in the house (data storage and database/webserver)
Software List
- Nova Astronomics: Earth Centered Universe Planetarium and Telescope Control
- Diffraction Limited: MaxIM DL/CCD
- Nova Astronomics: ARODome dome controller
- Nova Astronomics: Dual Optec IFW filter wheel ASCOM driver
- Abbey Ridge Auto-Pilot (custom to ARO/BGO) with lots and lots of scripts
- Mission Control (custom to ARO/BGO)
- BGO Social Media Gateway (custom to ARO/BGO)
- DC3 Dreams: PinPoint
- ASCOM Platform
- Apache/MySQL/PHP database and website