Dome Commands
Below are the observatory dome related commands. All of these commands, except domesetup require the DOME variable to be set to the name of an ASCOM dome driver.
The command domeon must be used before any other dome command can be used.
All commands set the boolean variable DOMEERROR to "true" if an error occurs or "false" if no error occurs.
- domesetup
- domeon and domeoff
- domeopen and domeclose
- domepark
- domefindhome
- domeazimuth
- domeslavedon and domeslavedoff
- getdomeshutter
- getdomehomed
- getdomeparked
- getdomeazimuth
- getdomevoltage
- domehide and domeshow
Syntax: domesetup
This command displays the ASCOM dome setup dialog box. From this dialog box, the user can select a specific ASCOM dome driver and set its parameters. The selected driver is saved to the DOME variable and becomes the active observatory dome used by ARAP.
Syntax: domeon
This command initiates communication with the dome ASCOM driver. If this operation is successful, the variable DOMECONNECTED is set to "true" All commands that require communication with the observatory dome must be preceded by this command.
Syntax: domeoff
This command terminates communication with the dome ASCOM driver and sets the variable DOMECONNECTED to "false".
Syntax: domeopen
This command opens the observatory dome's shutter.
Syntax: domeclose
This command closes the observatory dome's shutter.
Syntax: domepark
This command rotates the dome to an azimuth set by the driver to be the "park" position. This is usually the azimuth the owner prefers to dome to be rotated to when its not-in-use. It may also be a location where the dome shutter power is connected.
Syntax: domefindhome
This command causes the dome driver to reinitialize its azimuth sensor. This may or may not actually rotate the dome - it depends on the specific dome driver.
Syntax: domeazimuth azimuth
This command causes the dome to rotate to the specified "azimuth" (in integer degrees clockwise from north).
Syntax: domeslavedon
This command causes the dome's azimuth to begin following ("slaved") the telescope's current position. Only sophisticated dome drivers or dome/telescope hubs support this capability, such as the ASCOM-provided POTH hub.
Syntax: domeslavedoff
This command causes the dome's azimuth to stop following ("slaved") the telescope's current position. Only sophisticated dome drivers or dome/telescope hubs support this capability, such as the ASCOM-provided POTH hub.
Syntax: getdomeshutter
Syntax: getdomestatus (for legacy only)
This command queries the shutter status and sets the variable DOMESHUTTER. The shutter status options are:
- 0 = open
- 1 = closed
- 2 = shutter is opening
- 3 = shutter is closing
- 4 = shutter error
Syntax: getdomehomed
This command queries the dome "homed" status and sets the variable DOMEHOMED.
Syntax: getdomeparked
This command queries the dome "parked" status and sets the variable DOMEPARKED.
Syntax: getdomeazimuth
This command queries the dome's azimuth and sets the variable DOMEAZIMUTH.
Syntax: getdomevoltage
This command queries the dome's shutter voltage and sets the variable DOMEVOLTAGE. This command is only applicable to the ARO Dome driver when set in "BGO Mode".
Syntax: domehide
This command hides the window of the ARO Dome driver to the Windows tray. Do no use this command if you are using any other dome driver.
Syntax: domeshow
This command restores the window of the ARO Dome driver from the Windows tray. Do no use this command if you are using any other dome driver.