CCD Imaging Commands
Below are the imaging (CCD camera) related commands. All of these commands require the use of MaxIM DL/CCD software.
The command ccdon must be used before any other CCD imaging command can be used.
All commands set the boolean variable CCDERROR to "true" if an error occurs or "false" if no error occurs.
- ccdon and ccdoff
- cooleron and cooleroff
- setcooler
- coolerwait
- getccdcoolerinfo
- light
- lightstart, lightwait, and lightfinish
- lights
- flat
- flats
- bias
- biases
- dark
- darks
- save
Syntax: ccdon
This command initiates communication with the MaxIm DL/CCD software and connects to the CCD camera. It also sets the frame size to a full frame at the binning defined in the variable CCDBINNING and sets then sets the values of the variables CCDLEFT, CCDTOP, CCDWITTH, and CCDHEIGHT. If this operation is successful, the variable CCDCONNECTED is set to "true". All commands that require communication with the MaxIm DL must be preceded by this command.
Syntax: ccdoff
This command terminates communication with the MaxIm DL/CCD software and sets the variable CCDCONNECTED to "false".
Syntax: cooleron
This command turns on the CCD camera's chip cooler.
Syntax: cooleroff
This command turns off the CCD camera's chip cooler.
Syntax: setcooler DegC
This command sets the regulation temperature of the CCD camera's chip cooler to "DegC" (degrees Celsius).
Syntax: coolerwait DegC <timeout>
This command sets the regulation temperature of the CCD camera's chip cooler to "DegC" (degrees Celsius) and waits until the temperature is within 0.5 degrees of the specified temperature for 5 consecutive seconds. ARAP will wait a maximum of either 10 minutes or the optionally specified "timeout" value (in integer seconds to a maximum of 3600 seconds).
Syntax: getccdcoolerinfo
This command queries the CCD camera cooler information and sets the CCDTEMPERATURE, CCDTEMPERATURESETPOINT, CCDCOOLERON, and CCDCOOLERPOWER variables
Syntax: light exptime <objectname>
This command takes a normal CCD image, but does not save the image (see the save command). The exposure time is "exptime" seconds long (up to 3600 seconds - fractional seconds are ok). The variable FILTERINDEX specifies the optical filter to be used. The variable READOUTMODE specifies the image read-out mode, if supported by the current camera. If the optional "objectname" parameter is included, it is added to the FITS header in the "OBJECT" key. If the telescope is connected, its current right ascension and declination are added to the FITS header in the "OBJCTRA" and "OBJCTDEC" keys. Other keys added to the FITS header if the telescope is connected are: “AIRMASS”, “ALTITUDE”, “AZIMUTH”, “SITELAT”, and “SITELONG”. If the variable CALIBRATIONENABLED is "true", the image is automatically calibrated - see the "calibrate" command. If the variable KERNELFILTERENABLED is "true", the image is automatically kernel filtered - see the kernelfilter command. The image is also automatically flipped left-right and/or top-bottom based on the state of the FLIPX and FLIPY variables.
Syntax: lightstart exptime
This command starts a normal CCD image and returns program control to the script. It is used in conjunction with the lightwait and lightfinish commands to provide the same functionality as the light command, but in three steps instead.
Syntax: lightwait exptime
This command waits for the CCD image that is already being exposed to complete and be downloaded. If the telescope is connected, its current right ascension and declination are added to the FITS header in the "OBJCTRA" and "OBJCTDEC" keys. Other keys added to the FITS header if the telescope is connected are: “AIRMASS”, “ALTITUDE”, “AZIMUTH”, “SITELAT”, and “SITELONG”. This command must follow a lightstart command. It is used in conjunction with the lightstart and lightfinish commands to provide the same functionality as the light command, but in three steps instead.
Syntax: lightfinish <objectname>
This command must follow a lightstart and lightwait command to provide the same functionality as the light command, but in three steps instead. This command does the auto image calibration, auto kernal filtering and auto image flip functions. If the optional "objectname" parameter is included, it is added to the FITS header in the "OBJECT" key.
Syntax: lights n exptime objectname <delay>
This command takes a sequence of "n" normal CCD images. Image files are saved in the directory specified by the IMAGE DIRECTORY variable. The filename used is "" where "XXXX" is an auto-incrementing image counter. The current value of the image counter is in the variable IMAGECOUNTER. If the optional "delay" parameter is included, there will be a time delay of up to 3600 seconds (in integers) after each exposure. In all other respects, this command is the same as the light command.
Syntax: flat exptime
This command takes a "flat" calibration image, but does not save the image (see the save command). The exposure time is "exptime" seconds long (up to 3600 seconds - fractional seconds are ok). The variable FILTERINDEX specifies the optical filter to be used. The variable READOUTMODE specifies the image read-out mode, if supported by the current camera. The word "flat" is added to the FITS header in the "OBJECT" key and "Flat Field to the "IMAGETYP" key.
Syntax: flats n exptime
This command takes a sequence of "n" (0 to 999) flat calibration images. Image files are saved in the directory specified by the IMAGE DIRECTORY variable. The filename used is "" where "XXXX" is an auto-incrementing image counter. The current value of the image counter is in the variable IMAGECOUNTER. In all other respects, this command is the same as the flat command.
Syntax: bias
This command takes a "bias" calibration image, but does not save the image (see the save command). The variable READOUTMODE specifies the image read-out mode, if supported by the current camera. The word "bias" is added to the FITS header in the "OBJECT" key.
Syntax: biases n
This command takes a sequence of "n" (0 to 999) bias calibration images. Image files are saved in the directory specified by the IMAGE DIRECTORY variable. The filename used is "" where "XXXX" is an auto-incrementing image counter. The current value of the image counter is in the variable IMAGECOUNTER. In all other respects, this command is the same as the bias command.
Syntax: dark exptime
This command takes a "dark" calibration image, but does not save the image (see the save command). The exposure time is "exptime" seconds long (up to 3600 seconds - fractional seconds are ok). The variable READOUTMODE specifies the image read-out mode, if supported by the current camera. The word "dark" is added to the FITS header in the "OBJECT" key.
Syntax: darks n exptime
This command takes a sequence of "n" (0 to 999) dark calibration images. Image files are saved in the directory specified by the IMAGEDIRECTORY variable. The filename used is "" where "XXXX" is an auto-incrementing image counter. The current value of the image counter is in the variable IMAGECOUNTER. In all other respects, this command is the same as the dark command.
Syntax: save objectname
This command saves the just-exposed CCD image (in 16-bit integer FITS format) in the directory specified by the IMAGEDIRECTORY variable. The filename used is "" where "XXXX" is an optional (controlled by the IMAGECOUNTERENABLED variable) auto-incrementing image counter (from the IMAGECOUNTER variable).