ARAP can connect it its own Automation Interface. This must be done from a script running by the "NO AUTO" version of ARAP to connect to the "AUTO" version.

All ARAP-related commands are accessed using the single ARAP command 'arap' with one or two parameters added. All commands set the boolean variable ARAPERROR to "true" if an error occurs or "false" if no error occurs.

Syntax: arap command <option1> <option2>

Before using any other ARAP commands, arap on must be used, otherwise ARAP commands are skipped.

The available ARAP commands are below. More information is available in the Automation Interface section.


Syntax: arap on

This command initiates the COM connection with ARAP. If this operation is successful, the variable ARAPCONNECTED is set to "true". All commands in this section must be preceded by this command.


Syntax: arap off

This command terminates the COM connection with ARAP and sets the variable ARAPCONNECTED to "false".


Syntax: arap hide

This command causes ARAP's main window to the hidden to the system tray.


Syntax: arap show

This command causes ARAP's main window to the restored from the system tray.


Syntax: arap getiscriptrunning

This command sets the variable ARAPISSCRIPTRUNNING to "true" if ARAP is currently running a script, otherwise it is set to "false".


Syntax: arap stopscript

This command requests that ARAP stop running a script (but does not wait for it to actually stop). The command "arap getisscriptrunning" should be used to determine when the script has actually stopped running. ARAPError is set to "true" if a script is not currently running.


Syntax: arap pausescript

This command requests that ARAP pause running a script. This is equivalent to pressing the Pause Script Tool Bar button.


Syntax: arap runscript scriptname <parameters>

This command runs the script "scriptname" with the optional "parameters". There is no error checking to validate that the script starts and runs properly.


Syntax: arap getlog count

This command sets the variable ARAPVARIABLEVALUE to contents of the ARAP status log. The most recent 'count' lines are retrieved. Up to between 900 and 1000 lines can be retrieved.


Syntax: arap getvariable variable_name

This command sets the variable ARAPVARIABLEVALUE to the value of ARAP's variable "variable_name".


Syntax: arap setvariable variable_name variable_value

This command sets ARAP's variable "variable_name" to a value of "variable_value".